Poem: Hello, moon

It’s that hour,
when the dwindling, dusty light
has all but drained from the sky,
when the transition begins
into the heavy-lidded, sleepy world of nothingness.

I pitter-patter across the hallway
from bedroom to bathroom,
and my home hums
with the peace of a day done,
but as I cross the threshold onto the cold linoleum
my eye is caught by a lonely light left on.

A realisation dawns,
that that light is not an artificial creation
turned on by my boyfriend as he read his book
but the moon beckoning me,
a salve to whatever it is
that makes being human so hard.

As if by magic
under the force of our constant companion
I find myself sat in my wide armchair
calm, bathed in the white light
held by the great wonder above
knowing in my body that everything is alright.

Photo by Johnny Kaufman on Unsplash


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