Hello! I’m George and this my blog.
I had to name my little blog something, so I had a think and went with Weavings. Why?
Firstly, over the years, I’ve become really interested in the interwoven nature of all things. I came to realise, through my various meanderings and explorations, that the root causes of many of the challenges we are facing in this world cannot be disentangled from each other, yet they are often talked about as separate issues. In reality, they are interwoven; we are interwoven. Rather than simple solutions, I realised that to make change in the most painful places (climate change, dividedness, racism, mental distress) we need to rebuild connection on many levels. With ourselves, with each other, with nature, with spirituality, with creativity. I believe that starts with ourselves. We need to go and poke some frogs in a pond and marvel at crashing waves, talk to and learn about each other as human beings, take time to slow down, paint or write or play, and really get to know ourselves and what we value. This blog is my record of the ways that I seek to weave my own threads of connection – with nature and creativity and people and myself. It is also a record of the weaving threads of my own life – my meandering thoughts, adventures, feelings, and explorations.